1. Authentication: Who are you?

  2. Authorization: What you can do?

  3. Bash: can I set Ctrl-Backspace to delete the word backward?

  4. Asymmetric encryption

    Imagine Alice wants to send a secret message to Bob using asymmetric encryption.

    1. Key Generation: Alice and Bob each generate a pair of keys: a public key and a private key.
    2. Public and Private Keys: Alice shares her public key with Bob, and Bob shares his public key with Alice. They keep their private keys secret.
    3. Encryption: Alice wants to send a message to Bob. She encrypts the message using Bob's public key. Only Bob's private key can decrypt this message.
    4. Decryption: Bob receives the encrypted message from Alice. He uses his private key to decrypt the message and read its contents. Since Bob's private key is secret and only known to him, only he can decrypt messages encrypted with his public key.

    This ensures that only Bob can read the message, even though Alice sent it. Asymmetric encryption allows secure communication without the need for both parties to share a secret key.

nano ~/.bashrc
alias k='kubectl'
alias m='minikube'
bind '"\\C-H":backward-kill-word' 
source ~/.bashrc

Get PC serial No.
wmic bios get serialnumber: LR0E1B8Q

nano ~/.zshrc
bindkey '^H' backward-kill-word
bindkey '5~' kill-word
source ~/.zshrc

Fix wsl time in windows: 

sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org
  1. How DNS works


  1. How SSH works?


  1. 3 Tier Infrastructure Architecture


  1. What actually happens when you type a URL in the browser?
