Rancher is a Kubernetes management GUI tool to deploy and run clusters anywhere. It can be used to manage multiple clusters running in different providers like AWS, GCP, on-prem, etc.


The Rancher Server can be run as a container or pod on a standalone server or the same server where the cluster is running. It can also be installed as a Helm chart on multiple servers for high availability. Refer Installing/Upgrading Rancher | Rancher.

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped \\
  -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \\
  --privileged \\

The above method of starting the Rancher server uses self-signed certificates. So, the browser will warn it as unsafe.

Registering a cluster to Rancher

Go to clusters → Import Existing → Enter the cluster name → Run the provided kubectl apply command on the cluster to register it with the Rancher server.

The above step creates a cattle-cluster-agent deployment (along with a corresponding service) which reports the cluster state to the Rancher agent.

<aside> 🚫 A cluster should only be registered to one rancher server.
